See what’s coming up.

KOTR: Bowling Event
This is an event for the Kids on the Rock (kids ages 5-12)
Bowling event (Markham Bowl)
U, 5762 Hwy 7 #11B, Markham, ON L3P 1A7
Saturday, March 22nd at 2pm
RSVP by March 15

Next Gen Social: Movie Night
Social event for our Next Gen (youth and young adults)
Date: Saturday March 29th at 7:30pm
Location: Theater Room at Steph’s Condo
After dinner event. Feel free to bring your fave movie snack. Popcorn and drinks provided. Movie TBA.
RSVP by March 23.

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church
COTR May Retreat
Date: Friday May 9 - Sunday May 11, 2025
Location: Muskoka Bible Centre
$250 for ages 13+
$175 for ages 7-12
FREE for ages 6 and under
Accommodations for 2 nights
6 meals
Spiritual - worship, prayer, small group discussions, testimonies, communion
Social - kayaking, canoeing, gym (soccer, volleyball, basketball), painting, talent show, nature walks, campfire (weather permitting)
Space is limited
Deadline to register is March 31 - but due to limited space, we may reach the maximum capacity before that deadline.
Register ASAP to secure your spot
When registering, please include:
Dietary restrictions
Accommodations needed due to disability
Require transportation
Please let us know if you require financial support
Link to registration available by email. If you need any assistance for registration please contact Susie K. She will be available Sundays after service to answer any questions as well.

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church

Next Gen Social: Party with Pastor
Social event for our Next Gen (youth and young adults)
Date: Saturday February 22nd
Location: Party Room at Pastor’s
Dinner, dessert, Pastor Fred and Irene’s testimonies and time for fellowship!
RSVP by February 16

Worship Night
Join us on Friday February 21st at 8pm for another Worship night at COTR! Invite your friends for this evening of live worship!

KOTR: Valentine's Day Arts & Crafts
This is an event for the Kids on the Rock (kids ages 5-12) happening during our 2:30pm service (following worship).
Join us to make some arts and crafts that center around God’s love!
Sunday February 9th

Annual Congregational Meeting
Our annual congregational meeting as required by the government of Canada. All church members are asked to attend.

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church

Next Gen Social: Winter Chill Out
Social event for our Next Gen (youth and young adults)
Date: Saturday January 18th
Location: Ben and Melissa’s home
Toboganning and Chill out with Chili
Donations: Bring canned goods to donate to local food bank.
BYOS - Bring Your Own Sled
RSVP by January 11th

Christmas Service at COTR
Join us to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on Sunday December 22nd at 2:30pm at 45 Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill. Invite friends and family for this great opportunity to hear the good news!
Light refreshments to follow.

KOTR: Christmas Party - Let's Celebrate Jesus' Birthday Together!
A special event for the Kids on the Rock (ages 5-12) happening on Sunday December 15th at church during our usual 2:30pm service time.
What to expect: activities, games, snacks and gifts!
Please bring one gift for a friend (no gender specific) - under $15

Next Gen Christmas Social
Christmas social for our Next Gen (youth and young adults)
Date: Friday December 13th - 6:30pm
Location: Nora’s home
“Spiritual” gift exchange (will be explained upon arrival)
Donations: Bring something warm for someone who may need it on a cold night. (Gloves, hat, scarf, blankets, socks, etc.) New or Gently Used please.
Come dressed in your Christmas Pajamas
RSVP by December 7th

Journey: Call to Reward Conference
This conference is based on Pastor Fred's series delivered in 1999 titled "The Call to the Reward". Brought into new light, we are certain it will be a blessing to all who attend. We urge all members to make a point to attend and come with an attitude to hear and receive something fresh from the Lord. Whether you were present at the original conference in 1999 or even when it was shared to the Next Gen just this past November, we are certain the Lord has even more to reveal to each and every one of us.
Friday December 6:
8pm Session 1 & 2 (Calling and Training)
Sunday December 8:
2:30pm Session 3 & 4 (Testing & Reward) *communion to follow
*Childcare is available on both days

Journey: Call to Reward Conference
This conference is based on Pastor Fred's series delivered in 1999 titled "The Call to the Reward". Brought into new light, we are certain it will be a blessing to all who attend. We urge all members to make a point to attend and come with an attitude to hear and receive something fresh from the Lord. Whether you were present at the original conference in 1999 or even when it was shared to the Next Gen just this past November, we are certain the Lord has even more to reveal to each and every one of us.
Friday December 6:
8pm Session 1 & 2 (Calling and Training)
Sunday December 8:
2:30pm Session 3 & 4 (Testing & Reward) *communion to follow
*Childcare is available on both days

G.R.A.S.P. Study Series
Join us for our study series happening at 4:30pm in the main sanctuary on Sunday October 27, November 3, 10 & 24 and Dec 1 as we dive into what the Bible has to say about Porn, Sex, D.E.I., and more.

G.R.A.S.P. Study Series
Join us for our study series happening at 4:30pm in the main sanctuary on Sunday October 27, November 3, 10 & 24 as we dive into what the Bible has to say about Porn, Sex, D.E.I., and more.

Next Gen Conference
A weekend in Muskoka for our Next Gen members (youth and young adults) to have a fresh encounter with the Lord.
More details to come.

G.R.A.S.P. Study Series
Join us for our study series happening at 4:30pm in the main sanctuary on Sunday October 27, November 3, 10 & 24 as we dive into what the Bible has to say about Porn, Sex, D.E.I., and more.

G.R.A.S.P. Study Series
Join us for our study series happening at 4:30pm in the main sanctuary on Sunday October 27, November 3, 10 & 24 as we dive into what the Bible has to say about Porn, Sex, D.E.I., and more.

Communion Friday
Our monthly opportunity to share in the Lord’s table of communion as a church

G.R.A.S.P. Study Series
Join us for our study series happening at 4:30pm in the main sanctuary on Sunday October 27, November 3, 10 & 24 as we dive into what the Bible has to say about Porn, Sex, D.E.I., and more.

Next Gen: Harvest Hangout
A social event for our Next Gen (youth and young adults).
Join us on Saturday October 26th from 2-5pm at
Applewood Farm - 12416 McCowan Rd.
$12 per person at the door
*pumpkin included with price of entrance
RSVP by October 19th in the Next Gen Whatsapp Chat

Harvest Fundraiser: Harvest Gathering
Enjoy a post-church harvest gathering with your church family on Sunday October 20th. There will be turkey sandwiches, soup, pie and apple cider available for purchase.
Cash and credit will be accepted.

Worship Night
Join us on Friday October 18th at 8pm for another Worship night at COTR! Invite your friends for this evening of live worship!

Thanksgiving Sunday at COTR
We look forward to gathering together on October 13th as another opportunity to thank the Lord for all He has done and continues to do in our individual lives as well as in the life of this local church!

KOTR: Autumn Adventure
Applewood Farm (access to farm animals, wagon rides, farm market for apples, honey, butter tarts and maple syrup truck, brand new playground)
When: Sunday, October 6th, 10 am to 1 pm
Who: Children of all ages are welcome. *Parent(s) must accompany child(ren).
Where: 12416 McCowan Road, Stouffville, ON L4A4C5
Payment: $12 (per person age 3 and up - pay at door)
Children 2 and under enter for Free
PYO apples are $35 for a large bag and $20 for a small bag
***IMPORTANT: In order to secure a spot, please RSVP to Armine by Wednesday, October 2nd.